Top 10k strings from YS Capers (1990)(Your Sinclair).z80 in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Covertapes / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Covertapes - [Z80] (TOSEC-v2007-01-01) /

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   1 You ain't seen nothing yet!
   1 W P Q R S T U V W@P@Q@R@S@T@U@V@W!>n
   1 Press Fire To Begin.
   1 O H I J K L M N O@H@I@J@K@L@M@N@O`H`I`J`K`L`M`N`O
   1 LEVEL BONUS = 5000
   1 Hello Hackers ! To cheat Hold down the keys N_E_X_T_LAnd ye will jump to the end of the level !yours everylovingly SCATZ.By the way in VIGILANTE on speccy+amstrad versionshold down the letters S_C_A_T_Z for cheat mode.
   1 G @ A B C D E F G@@@A@B@C@D@E@F@G`@`A`B`C`D`E`F`G
   1 Damian 'SCATZ' Scattergood
   1 Congratulations
   1 > Now the scrolly greetings....>>>
   1 2Jd*Hd#"Hd~
   1 2@Z2_Z2`Z2
   1 1990. SCATZ.
   1 .Support the Society of Software Authors (SSA) Yep ! I'm a member.>>>
   1 .Ok now go away and blast the hell out of the YS Team in my mega game.>>>
   1 .Must not forget <VOTE GREEN>>>>
   1 .Hello to my lovely girlfriend Karen (Luv You Lots!)>>>
   1 .Hello to my brothers Paul and Francis and my Mammy and Daddy.( Thanks for the Coffee and MONEY!)>>>
   1 .Hello to all the Muckers (Mark Cushen!-Clare Scott-Damian Power-Robert Rogers) (I told you I'd make you all famous!>>>
   1 .Hello to all my fans !. In case you do not know who I am well let me tell you. Get yourself a nice cup of tea and some biscuits. Sit down comfortably and I'll tell you my life story. Ok ! So what have I done ? 1989. This was a good year. I started off by programming 'VIGILANTE' for US.GOLD on the Speccy and Amstrad. After that I programmed 'MOONWALKER' for US.GOLD on the same formats. I have done a couple of minor bits and pieces for some other games. I wrote the music and loader for 'RUNNING MAN' and helped write the music for the Amiga version of 'PHANTOM FIGHTER'. Thats basically all my major work for the year 1989. I am now working on a few top secret little things which may or may not surface sometime in the near future. If you want to contact me phone Dublin Ireland,0001 324239. Or write to 82 Seagrange Road, Baldoyle, Dublin 13, Ireland.
   1 .Hello to Tony Worral (Where ever you are !) >>>
   1 .Hello to Lorraine and Jessie.>>>
   1 .Eat Crisps! and Drink Coke!>>>
   1 .Don't forget Piracy is a Crime!>>>
   1 .Congratulations to Paul and Jessie on getting engaged
   1 .And last but not least stop supporting Sexist Games
   1 -Y.S.CAPERS.-
   1 -G-A-M-E- -O-V-E-R-
   1 (;<2Jdv!_P
   1 (.YS. CAPERS. Designed and Programmed by Damian 'SCATZ' Scattergood for 'YOUR SINCLAIR'. Welcome to the 90's !
   1  You Wiped Out 
   1  The YS Team !